Category: Posts

  • Thoughts On Reading

    Thoughts On Reading

    i have been enjoying reading a book about Teddy Roosevelt recently, and i recalled one of my favorite quotes i heard from the podcast Hardcore History once. it’s a good one to take to heart and act upon.

  • FCC: TikTok Represents Immense Security/Privacy Risk for U.S. Citizens

    FCC: TikTok Represents Immense Security/Privacy Risk for U.S. Citizens

    TikTok is said to collect “everything”, from search and browsing histories; keystroke patterns; biometric identifiers—including faceprints, something that might be used in “unrelated facial recognition technology”, and voiceprints—location data; draft messages; metadata; and data stored on the clipboard, including text, images, and videos per the FCC.

  • The Freemium Fellow Grows Up

    The Freemium Fellow Grows Up

    The Freemium Fellow takes a much needed step in choosing to live an abundant life over the dollar sign 🙂